heh ... renoldazords ...
I too have a sudden craving for cocoa puffs ...
heh ... renoldazords ...
I too have a sudden craving for cocoa puffs ...
epic XD
Who was the band/ what was the song playing in the background?
The ending was great XD
I say, that was a rather wizz-bang picture you've put together there my fine sir!
Absolutley Cracker-Jack! Perhaps there will be a sequel? Why not add a dame into the next one? I also thought it rather queer that nobody in this motion picture was smoking though ... have they gone with that new-fangeled smokeless tabaccy? The protagonist needs to have a smoke unless he's one of those namby-pamby 'I-win-with-luck-and-faith' types but hey, a great picture none-the-less :-)
that pretty much sums up my current relationship ^^;
Wonderful ^^
Wasn't Lamb of God already in an episode of Spongebob ... ?
Great parody ^^
Not bad but like everyone else said: work on the synching
The sync it's really screwed... I don't know what happend, the offline .fla file was ok... Thanks for the advice and the score! :3
I am a human probably ... I dunno what to really talk about so if you wanna message me than by all means: do so
Age 37, Male
The Capital Wasteland
Joined on 8/25/06